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This year 16th to 18th of May Feysol Nature is going to be in SNIEC Shanghai for exhibiting our great variety of honeys. Shanghai, considered to be the gate way to China market, at the same time is a city filled with the demand of good products. Feysol Nature we…


  • FEYSOL NATURE / April 2018
Gulfood Dubai 2018

After four intensive days in Gulfood Dubai, we have received so many visits who are so keen on knowing more about honey Honey Emir.  Would you like to have our Emir Honey in your country? We have Acacia Honey, Acacia with honey comb, Forest and blossom honey, all of them with…

Gulfood Dubai 2018

  • FEYSOL NATURE / April 2018
Foodex Tokyo 2018

We just returned from Foodex Tokyo. This time in Foodex Tokyo we had chance to introduce our finest honey from Spain either single flower or multi flower honey from Spain. We had so many oversea visitors who really like our honey, and most popular ones are: orange blossom honey, lavender…

Foodex Tokyo 2018

  • FEYSOL NATURE / April 2018
Receta De Crema De Zanahoria Con Miel De Montaña

750 gr. de zanahorias 200 cc. de nata líquida 3 clavos de olor 1 litro de caldo de verduras 1 cucharada de miel de motaña 5 patatas 1 cebolla Pimienta Perejil   Preparación Paso 1: Pela las zanahorias y las patatas y córtalas en rodajas. Pela la cebolla y pínchala…

Receta de crema de zanahoria con miel de montaña

  • FEYSOL NATURE / November 2017
Receta De Palmeras De Miel Y Mostaza

Ingredientes: 1 lámina de hojaldre 25g de miel milflores, miel de lavanda, miel de azahar, miel de limón o miel de acacia 100g de mostaza 1 huevo   Preparación: Paso 1: Mezclar la mostaza con la miel y extenderla por toda la superficie de la masa de hojaldre. Paso 2:…

Receta de palmeras de miel y mostaza

  • FEYSOL NATURE / October 2017
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